CHEYENNE — The Wyoming Game and Fish Department has reported two new cases of chronic wasting disease: Elk Hunt Area 62 in the Cody Region and on the Horse Creek Feedground, which is located in Elk Hunt Area 84 in the Jackson Region.
Elk Hunt Area 62 is bordered by CWD-positive Elk Hunt Area 67 and overlaps several CWD-positive mule deer hunt areas.
Horse Creek Feedground is the fourth feedground in the state to have confirmed positive for CWD among elk. Elk Hunt Area 84, which had previously tested positive for CWD, is bordered by Elk Hunt Area 87 which is also CWD-positive.
CWD is a fatal neurological disease that affects deer, elk and moose. Continued monitoring of CWD over time is important to help Game and Fish understand the potential impacts of the disease and evaluate future management actions. Game and Fish personnel will continue to monitor feedgrounds for elk displaying signs of CWD.
Game and Fish operates 21 feedgrounds in northwest Wyoming, where supplemental winter feeding has occurred for more than a century. The discovery of CWD on feedgrounds in 2025 was anticipated as the disease has continued to spread across the state throughout deer, elk and moose hunt areas.
For more information on CWD testing, transmission, carcass transportation and disposal regulations, visit the CWD webpage. To stay updated on feedground management efforts, visit the feedground webpage.