The Wyoming Game and Fish Department welcomes Austin Wieseler to the Cody Region. Wieseler will serve as the Cody regional wildlife biologist.
As a regional biologist, Wieseler will work collaboratively with Game and Fish district biologists across the Cody Region. The Cody Region stretches from the Montana state line south to the Owl Creek Mountains, and is flanked to the east by the Bighorn Mountains and by Yellowstone National Park to the west. His primary responsibilities include regional disease monitoring and management, wildlife data collection and analysis, as well as working collaboratively with stakeholders to conduct research and minimize the impact of development projects on wildlife within the region.
Wieseler holds a Bachelor of Science degree and a Master of Science degree in wildlife and fisheries sciences from South Dakota State University. Previously, he served as a wildlife health biologist for Montana Fish Wildlife and Parks, as a biologist in South Dakota and as a wildlife technician for Game and Fish in the Pinedale Region.
Wieseler said he is looking forward to the diversity of job duties that come with wearing a red shirt. “No two days are alike, and having the opportunity to be in the field interacting with the people passionate about wildlife is an aspect of the job I thoroughly enjoy.”
Wieseler began his duties last September. He can be reached at 307-527-7125.