Funding available for Wyoming sage-grouse conservation
A Wyoming Sage Grouse

CHEYENNE — Funding is available to support projects benefiting sage-grouse and their habitats. The Wyoming Game and Fish Commission expects to allocate $295,000 to support eight local Sage-Grouse Working Groups to fund projects and address the primary threats to sage-grouse as identified in their local conservation plans. This is a reduced level of funding compared to previous years as the Wyoming Game and Fish Department is facing a reduced budget and increased operating costs.


Proposed projects will be evaluated based on consistency with Wyoming’s Core Area management strategy, local sage-grouse conservation plans, likelihood of success, project readiness, matching funds, multiple species benefits, duration of benefits and adequacy of monitoring. 


Examples of past projects include: 

  • Sagebrush stand restoration and improvements. 
  • Riparian/mesic habitat restoration using beaver dam analogs and Zeedyk structures. 
  • Research to enhance management and understanding of sage-grouse.
  • Fence marking.
  • Invasive annual grass treatments.
  • Escape ramps on stock tanks.
  • Conifer removal.
  • Lek searches using infrared flights. 


For full application details, download the Project Proposal Form. Proposals must be completed using the Jan. 15, 2025, version of the application and submitted via email to Nyssa Whitford, Game and Fish sage-grouse/sagebrush biologist, at Questions also can be submitted via this email address. Funding is awarded on a rolling basis from Feb. 1, 2025-Jan. 31, 2026, or until it is exhausted. Submitting applications early is preferred. 


More information about sage-grouse management, including supplementary documents needed to complete the Project Proposal Form, can be found on the Game and Fish website.



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