Hatchery information
The Clark's Fork Fish Hatchery is 29 miles north of Cody, a few miles off Wyoming Highway 120, along the Clark's Fork River in the shadow of the Beartooth Mountains. Yellowstone National Park, Shoshone National Forest and Bureau of Land Management lands are nearby to enjoy. The fish hatchery sits on 195 acres of deeded, Wyoming Game and Fish Department land that includes many public fishing access points. Built in 1970, it is the second-largest fish hatchery in the state.
Open to the public 8 a.m-5 p.m. daily.
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Fish species raised at Clark's Fork Hatchery
The hatchery raises many trout species.
The fish species raised include Eagle Lake rainbow, fall rainbow, Bear River cutthroat, Snake River cutthroat and Yellowstone cutthroat trout. Kokanee salmon are raised at the hatchery, too.
Clark's Fork Hatchery water
Natural underground springs provide a constant supply of cold, disease-free water to the hatchery. The 12 springs furnishing water to the facility vary from a low of 4,000 gallons per minute in April to a high of 8,000 gallons per minute in October. During peak months, the springs provide approximately 11.5 million gallons of water daily at an average temperature of 52 degrees Fahrenheit. Because the water constantly flows through the hatchery, raceways do not become covered with ice, even on the coldest winter days. After passing through the facility the water returns to the Clark's Fork River.