High country lakes fish surveys

Sheridan Region fisheries personnel recently sampled Long, Ringbone, Romeo, Martin, Willow #1, Willow #3, and Lame Deer lakes in the upper Clear Creek drainage of the Cloud Peak Wilderness. Wyoming Game and Fish supports more than 20 high mountain lake fisheries with a long-term schedule of stocking by helicopter.

Highlights of interest to anglers in this most recent sampling include abundant splake found in Romeo Lake approaching 18 inches and a hearty grayling population at Willow Lake #1, with plenty of fish in the 11 to 13-inch range.

No fish were sampled at Martin and Willow Lake #3, which doesn't necessarily mean they are fishless, but anglers may have better luck elsewhere this year. Yellowstone cutthroat trout and tiger trout were common at Long and Ringbone lakes while brown and rainbow trout populations appeared healthy at Lame Deer Lake.

The crew also sampled Willow Park and Cloud Peak reservoirs and Gem Lake on the Bighorn National Forest. Brook trout and tiger trout in the 8 to 11-inch range were common in the reservoirs, along with a few lake trout and Yellowstone cutthroat. Gem Lake is very shallow, similar to nearby Elk Lake, and is fishless.

While anglers who make the effort to access these remote lakes and reservoirs will likely meet with angling success, anyone venturing into these areas should be well-prepared. Check the weather prior to leaving and pack plenty of food, water and other supplies. The weather in these areas can be unpredictable and turn for the worse in a hurry, so pack along rain gear and extra clothing to layer as well. Many of the trails leading to these areas can be strenuous. Be sure to share with someone, your planned travel route (and stick to it!) and estimated return time.

Sheridan Regional Office at 307-672-7418

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