Fish Stocked at Pinedale Kid's Pond
The Daniel Fish Hatchery recently stocked about 120 catchable-sized Colorado River cutthroat trout in the Pinedale Kids Pond at Boyd Skinner Park in Pinedale. To say that Daniel Fish Hatchery Superintendent, Bret Barngrover, had the help of some very enthusiastic helpers would be an understatement. About 20 preschoolers from the Children’s Discovery Center in Pinedale squealed with excitement as they hauled buckets of fish to the water’s edge to turn them loose.
“This is easily one of the best parts of my job,” said Barngrover. “It’s just awesome to see how excited they get to help release the fish.” Some kids even tried their hand at holding the fish before letting it go into the water. The hour-long event was a huge success by all accounts. Now, all kids 13 and under are encouraged to go try their luck at catching them!
To learn more about what Wyoming waters have been recently stocked, including the fish species, number of fish and average size stocked, visit the statewide fish stocking page on the Game & Fish website:

“This is easily one of the best parts of my job,” said Barngrover. “It’s just awesome to see how excited they get to help release the fish.” Some kids even tried their hand at holding the fish before letting it go into the water. The hour-long event was a huge success by all accounts. Now, all kids 13 and under are encouraged to go try their luck at catching them!
To learn more about what Wyoming waters have been recently stocked, including the fish species, number of fish and average size stocked, visit the statewide fish stocking page on the Game & Fish website:
Mark Gocke, Public Information Specialist, 307-249-5811