Longtime Game and Fish biologist elected to national board
Wyoming Game and Fish Department Nongame Bird Biologist Andrea Orabona was elected by her peers from a national slate of candidates as the Central Mountains and Plains Section Representative to The Wildlife Society (TWS) Council. The Wildlife Society is an international, professional organization of wildlife managers and researchers, dedicated to sustaining wildlife populations and habitats through science-based management and conservation.

Orabona’s involvement with TWS began as an undergraduate at Colorado State University (CSU), where she held several offices in the Student Chapter during her college career. That positive experience transitioned to serving on several committees and holding executive board positions at the state level with the Wyoming Chapter of TWS and the section level with the Central Mountains and Plains Section. 

In 2019, Orabona was inducted as a TWS Fellow in recognition of her decades of dedication, research, and conservation of birds. 

“With the experience and knowledge I have gained over my 34-year wildlife career, I’m excited to serve the wildlife resource and our professional organization at the level of Section Representative to The Wildlife Society Council,” said Orabona. “During my tenure, I envision a continued robust effort to ensure we promote and deliver science-based management and research decisions, and strive to include all who have the knowledge, passion, and skills to contribute to wildlife science.” 

She will begin her term as Section Representative at the end of September.

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