Dedication and tour of restored 60-acre wetland on Ocean Lake WHMA
Ducks Unlimited will host a dedication and tour on September 7th at 1:30 pm of the newly-restored wetland on the northwest side of Ocean Lake Wildlife Habitat Management Area (WHMA).
The goal of the project is to provide resting and foraging habitat for spring and fall migrating waterfowl. Managers can control water levels in these renovated wetlands to promote plants most useful to migrating birds and control more invasive plants like cattails. To accomplish this, wetland water levels will vary and even be dry at times.
Ducks Unlimited chose the Ocean Lake project as its celebration site in Wyoming for completion of the Rescue Our Wetlands campaign that raised over $2.34B, and conserved more than 2.2 million acres of habitat over the 7-year period ending in 2018. They will recognize formal supporters of the campaign with the unveiling of a special plaque and cairn during the event.
Ocean Lake is part of the approximately 11,000-acre Ocean Lake WHMA in north-central Wyoming, about 17 miles north of Riverton. The WHMA is owned and managed by Wyoming Game and Fish Commission and is open to the public.
“The lake is one of the most important migratory waterfowl stopovers in Wyoming for the Central Flyway,” said Martin Grenier, DU manager of conservation programs for Wyoming and Colorado. “During fall and spring, migrations of up to 13,000 birds like geese, sandhill cranes and ducks use the area.”
The dedication and tour will take place off of Shady Lane near the intersection with Missouri Valley Rd (HWY134) on the northwest side of the Wyoming Game and Fish Commission’s Ocean Lake WHMA. See invite and map here.
“We hope people will come out on the 7th to ask us questions and view the wetland that will benefit wildlife with additional healthy habitat and benefit recreationists like wildlife watchers and hunters,” says Noelle Smith, project biologist for Ducks Unlimited.
Partners and funders on the project are Ducks Unlimited and its supporters, Wyoming Game and Fish Department, Wyoming Wildlife Natural Resources Trust Fund, National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, Water For Wildlife, and North American Wetlands Conservation Act.
The Wyoming Game and Fish Department manages many large clusters of natural and man-made wetlands, as well as smaller meadows and the areas along streams and rivers, on our Wildlife Habitat Management Areas. In addition, our new Wyoming Wetland Webpage has many valuable resources, a story map, and lesson plans.

The goal of the project is to provide resting and foraging habitat for spring and fall migrating waterfowl. Managers can control water levels in these renovated wetlands to promote plants most useful to migrating birds and control more invasive plants like cattails. To accomplish this, wetland water levels will vary and even be dry at times.
Ducks Unlimited chose the Ocean Lake project as its celebration site in Wyoming for completion of the Rescue Our Wetlands campaign that raised over $2.34B, and conserved more than 2.2 million acres of habitat over the 7-year period ending in 2018. They will recognize formal supporters of the campaign with the unveiling of a special plaque and cairn during the event.
Ocean Lake is part of the approximately 11,000-acre Ocean Lake WHMA in north-central Wyoming, about 17 miles north of Riverton. The WHMA is owned and managed by Wyoming Game and Fish Commission and is open to the public.
“The lake is one of the most important migratory waterfowl stopovers in Wyoming for the Central Flyway,” said Martin Grenier, DU manager of conservation programs for Wyoming and Colorado. “During fall and spring, migrations of up to 13,000 birds like geese, sandhill cranes and ducks use the area.”
The dedication and tour will take place off of Shady Lane near the intersection with Missouri Valley Rd (HWY134) on the northwest side of the Wyoming Game and Fish Commission’s Ocean Lake WHMA. See invite and map here.
“We hope people will come out on the 7th to ask us questions and view the wetland that will benefit wildlife with additional healthy habitat and benefit recreationists like wildlife watchers and hunters,” says Noelle Smith, project biologist for Ducks Unlimited.
Partners and funders on the project are Ducks Unlimited and its supporters, Wyoming Game and Fish Department, Wyoming Wildlife Natural Resources Trust Fund, National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, Water For Wildlife, and North American Wetlands Conservation Act.
The Wyoming Game and Fish Department manages many large clusters of natural and man-made wetlands, as well as smaller meadows and the areas along streams and rivers, on our Wildlife Habitat Management Areas. In addition, our new Wyoming Wetland Webpage has many valuable resources, a story map, and lesson plans.