

Please review the general regulations. 14-day camping limit. Vehicle travel is prohibited, foot or horseback only.

Jan. 1 - May 31

Fishing, Hunting, Camping, Hiking, Trapping



Cody Regional Office
2 Tilden Trail
Cody, WY 82414

(307) 527-7125

Commonly Found Species

Big and Trophy Game in this Area
Below are specific Big and Trophy Game species commonly found within this WHMA area.
  • Antelope - 110
  • Deer - 116
  • Elk - 62
  • Moose - 9
  • Bighorn Sheep - 5
  • Mountain Lion - 19
  • Black Bear - 27
  • Wolf - 4
Fish Species in this Area
Below are specific Fish species commonly found within this WHMA area.
  • Mountain Whitefish
  • Yellowstone Cutthroat
Small game and Birds in this Area
Below are specific Small game species commonly found within this WHMA area.
  • Doves
  • Partridge
  • Pheasant
  • Rabbit
  • Sage Grouse
  • Sandhill Crane
  • Sharp tailed Grouse
  • Turkey
  • Waterfowl
  • Mountain Grouse
Through the dedicated efforts of the Conservation Fund, the Wyoming Game and Fish Commission obtained fee title to the Sunshine Ranch from AMAX Coal Company in 1992. Historically, this area has been grazed by livestock, and hay had been harvested from approximately 200 acres of meadow land. Between 400 and 500 head of elk winter here, making this a very important foraging area. Topography varies from gently rolling hills in the east, irrigated meadows in the center, to steep ridges in the west. The main drainage is Florida Creek, which flows north through the area into Sunshine Reservoir. Elevations range from 6,600 feet where Florida Creek enters Sunshine Reservoir, to 7,900 feet at the top of the red ridge at the U.S. Forest Service boundary. The area comprises foothills and basin, with an annual precipitation level between ten and 14 inches. Sunshine provides important habitat for wildlife, such as elk, mule deer, antelope, and moose, as well as many birds and nongame species. North of Greybull River a colony of the last known black-footed ferrets was discovered in 1981. The area is open to public access by foot and horseback with a vehicle restriction at the parking area to lessen disturbance to the resources. This WHMA lies within bear country, please visit our bear wise page for information on recreating in bear country -