January Game and Fish Commission meeting to be held online

The Wyoming Game and Fish Commission will meet Jan. 28-29 in Cheyenne. The public is invited to attend via ZOOM online video conferencing. Attendees will have a chance to comment on each specific agenda item and can speak to the Commission about any matter.

The Commission will be asked to vote to approve several action items including the selection of a general contractor for construction of the new Cody Regional Office, Chapter 3 - Black bear hunting seasons, the Department’s guidelines for wind and solar energy development projects and project proposals for the Statewide Mule Deer Initiative and Platte Valley Habitat Partnership Programs for FY 2021.

Game and Fish personnel will present informational updates to the Commission on the designated Platte Valley Migration Corridor, the I-25 Kaycee to Buffalo wildlife crossing project, the elk feedground public engagement process, employee housing project in Jackson and the status of work to redesign the Game and Fish website.

The Department will also recognize the work of two outgoing commissioners, Vice President Patrick Crank of Cheyenne and David Rael of Cowley. 

To participate via ZOOM, registration is required. Once registered, participants will receive a
confirmation email with instructions to join the meeting. Sign-up links for each day are available on the Commission webpage.

The full agenda with all presentations is available on the Game and Fish website. Learn more and watch on the Commission webpage.

The State of Wyoming supports the Americans with Disabilities Act. Anyone needing auxiliary aids should contact the Game and Fish at (307) 777-4501. Every effort will be made for reasonable accommodations.

Sara DiRienzo (307-777-4540)

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