Gray wolves and coyotes are the largest of the five canid (dog-like) species found in Wyoming and are easily distinguishable in most circumstances. Here are some of the key differences that can help you figure out which you saw:
- Habitat: Gray wolves primarily inhabit forested mountain regions in northwest Wyoming whereas coyotes can be found in all habitats throughout the state.
- Size: Wyoming gray wolves weigh around 100 pounds, stand 2-3 feet tall, and have larger and more robust bodies than coyotes. Coyotes usually weigh around 30 pounds and stand less than 2 feet at the shoulder. In the dog world, wolves would be similar to a streamlined Saint Bernard while coyotes would be more comparable to a border collie in body size.
- Coloring: Most wolves are either light grayish or black, and can lighten toward white or even "blue" when older (5-8 years old). Coyotes are exclusively gray or tan in color.
- Tracks: Tracks are more commonly observed than the creatures themselves, and can be distinguished by size. Wolf tracks are large, usually exceeding 4 inches from front to back (larger than an adult human's palm) whereas coyote tracks are usually less than 3 inches long.
- Gait: When moving, wolves tend to "trot" with a smoother gait and longer stride. Coyotes tend to have a bouncier, punctuated trot due to their shorter stature.
- Sound: Both species use howling for long distance communication. Wolf howls are deeper in tone and smoother in pitch change, except for pups that bark and have higher pitched undulating howls. Coyotes tend to interject more barking (often at the initiation of the howl), have higher pitched howls, and hold each howl for shorter duration.
- Life History: Wolves also organize in family groups called packs on a year round basis whereas coyotes are more likely to be solitary or in pairs except while rearing pups.
Height | 2.5-3 feet | <2 feet |
Length | 5-6 feet | 4 feet |
Weight | 80-120 pounds | 20-40 pounds |
Tracks | 4-6 inches long | ≤3 inches long |
Physical Build | Robust, large paws, long legs | Slight, small paws, small nose |
Color | Gray, black, tan, white, “blue” | Gray or tan |
Gait | Smoother stride while trotting | Bouncy stride while trotting |
Howl | Deeper, longer, smoother | Barks, shorter, high pitched |
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Answered By
Ken Mills
Job Title
Large Carnivore Biologist
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