Public comment sought on North Natrona Pronghorn Herd Unit
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CASPER – The Wyoming Game and Fish Department is requesting public input on a proposed change to the management objective for the North Natrona Pronghorn Herd Unit in the Casper Region. A public meeting will be held on May 13 at the Casper Game and Fish Regional Office, 3030 Energy Lane, at 4:00 p.m.

Game and Fish managers strive to maintain big game herds near their established objectives to protect habitat quality, avoid damage to rangelands, and provide quality hunting opportunities. Big game herd objectives are evaluated every five years to determine whether they are appropriate for achieving the goals of wildlife managers, landowners, and the public.

The North Natrona Pronghorn Herd Unit includes Hunt Area 73.  Currently, Game and Fish manages for a post-hunting season population of 11,000 set in 2014 and is proposing to increase the objective to 15,000.  In 2016, the herd peaked at 22,000 and has since declined to 10,100. Hunters have expressed significant concern about low pronghorn abundance in years when the herd is near objective, and hunter satisfaction and success have been trending downward. In 2024, only 425 licenses will be issued, the lowest in 30 years. Managers gathered habitat data in 2022, concluding there was some sagebrush in poor condition due to drought conditions, not over browsing by wildlife. Most of the sagebrush was found to be in an acceptable condition. Managers, therefore, feel this area can sustain higher numbers of pronghorn without impacting rangeland health.

The Wyoming Game and Fish Department supports the Americans with Disabilities Act. Every effort will be made for reasonable accommodations by contacting the nearest Game and Fish office.

Janet Milek
Public Information Specialist

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